Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Journaling To God

A few months ago I started journaling to God, I feel for me it is a better way of deepening your relationship with God. With journaling I am able to express more to him unfiltered, rather than just praying out loud. When I’m journaling it’s like a flood of words rushing out of me. Sometimes when I’m finished I’m like ‘wow I wrote all that?’ When I’m done with my entry, I feel like I just vented to my best friend, and that’s how it should be. With journaling in my quiet time I have acquired more intimacy with God than I've ever had before.
Deuteronomy 4:29 - But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find [him], if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.
Jeremiah 29:13 NLT- If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

 Especially when you’re a new Christian it can be a little awkward praying out load and maybe you don’t know what to say. Writing in a letter form feels more casual, so it’s easier to just tell him about your day, the troubles that you’re having, or just to say that you love him. I feel it helps build a relationship when first becoming saved. It should become you safe haven where you can be vulnerable and 

open. You learn more about yourself, in return it’s helping your personal growth. 

Living in a college dorm and having roommates, sometimes it might be uncomfortable to pray out loud. Prayers are meant to be between you and God; not you, God, and your roommates. Maybe you don’t want them to hear and think you’re talking to yourself (or your crazy.)Maybe you’re saying some deep “stuff” and that’s nobody’s business.  Or maybe you’re praying about them; either way journaling with be a great option.

For Christians that have been saved a while, journaling to God can build an unwavering bond that you haven’t had. I added this to my quiet time and it has helped me and my attitude/ faith/ relationship/etc tremendously.

An hour out of the day, I’ll have my bible, journal, and a good station on Pandora going (William Murphy or Tasha Cobbs) and I’ll just relax my mind before I do anything. Then I’ll read a chapter out of the bible, write a journal entry and conclude by listen to music. With journaling it doesn’t have to be difficult or a chore, it should be a release.
Habakkuk 2:2 And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain 
on tablets, so he may run who reads it

How I do my journal entries: 

Date: I put the date just so I am able to go through and see my progression 
and go back and see how he is working in my life. 
Greeting: I start with “Dear Jesus…”
Body: when I write I just tell him how I’m feeling or what I’m going through.
 My doubts, frustrations, enjoyments, and sadness I tell him about my day,
 boyfriend issues, friend issues, school issues, etc. I end my entry just telling
 him how thankful I am for his doings, how much I love him, how I want 
to follow his word and make him happy.
 I DO NOT ask him to do anything for me I just vent to him. 
Extras: When I’m really going through a struggle I’ll go in my bible and under 
when I talked about it I’ll put the scriptures. You can highlight/circle/underline/bold a word that you talk about a lot. 
Close:I close the letter with “your daughter, Jae”

At end of the day this is your journal and you write to him how you want to. 
The way you get your break though may be different than mine but if you come searching with a heart to be better for God you should see results.

 Thank you for reading today