Sunday, January 24, 2016

Waste to Energy

My experience at the Lee County Waste center was a very informational experience. I feel that I was able to be more aware about my community and how to help with our waste disposal issue.  I personally did not think there was a trash issue, however going on the field trip I was able to learn more about the dumps and the alternatives that are better for our environment. I do wish I could have seen more and have more of on hands on experience than listening to a lecture for more than an hour. I never thought about how much trash a household throws out, for it being close to a million that shocked me. Then to equate that just with Lee County not even Florida, I realized how much of an impact the waste energy facility makes. Even though there is a debate about how the trash is wasted, looking at the pictures of the dumps, I did not understand why any person would want to have that in their town. Not only does it look bad; it smells bad, but also takes revenue from the town because no tourist wants to visit a town where it smells but also stinks. I personally think it is a great idea to have a facility in that they burn the trash but also can collect aluminum and precious metals that can bring lee county more revenue. However, there is room for improvement, in that we do not need to waste so much of our resources like food, clothes, etc.  Personally, I never thought about how many dumps we have in America and how it affects us until we went to the facility. It does make it want to change how I dispose my waste, telling my family and friends. I feel that waste disposal is not something that one thinks about on a normal basis because it usually does not affect them. It is like out of sight, out of mind. I believe that once people are educated on the matter, they can make smarter decisions when it comes to disposing waste. I do think it is best to dispose of the trash in a facility by burning to create natural gases. Therefore, it will make me want to do better with my waste disposal, however being that I live in a college campus other than recycling and not wasting any of my belongings, it is not that easy. I know that my family and I use or resources poorly and that is something that we can no work on. Now that we are educated, we can do better. We will do better.  

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