Thursday, June 26, 2014

Drinking a GALLON of water a day

So I’ve heard about drinking a gallon of water a day but didn't understand the benefits until I had to do my own research for my face. I noticed my dark spots are beginning to darken on my face, I’m getting more pimples, and my glow is diminishing from when I was in school. The main reasons that my face is acting up; is bad dieting and not drinking enough water (Darn Vacation). When looking online, I saw that drinking a gallon of water every day can help revive my face but also aid to weight loss. When exercising one loses about 2 to 3 liters a day from sweat and urination, so one would be replacing the amount of water lost. Celebrities like Gabrielle Union, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, and many more that divulge in glasses of water a day.  If they can do it, we can too (Flips hair and snaps finger).

It’s also important to know when to drink the water, to reap the benefits. Studies show its best drink one glass of water after waking up, one glass 30 minutes before a meal, before/after a workout, before a bath, and before bed. That sounds a little too complicated for me, therefore I drink one liter by noon, (refill) drink the next liter by 3 pm, (refill), then at 6 pm, and the last liter by 9 pm (way easier). You can drink the water however you want or the time that suits you, long as it’s getting into your body it doesn't really matter. If you’re like me, you’re thinking ‘Geesh how am I going to get all that down’, I purchased a SmartWater bottle which is also a liter, so I’m getting the correct measurements, it’s easier to hold, and then I’m more comfortable taking it out of the house. You can also infuse lemon and lime to create detox water and give more flavor, if you don’t like the taste of plain water.

Other benefits of drinking water:

. Helps process fat and excrete it from your body                         . Helps maintain energy                                                         . Maintains muscle tone                                                         . Plumps skin cells                                                                             . Feel refreshed                                                                                   . Keeps you Hydrated                                                                . Clear pee when using the bathroom (and who doesn't want clear pee??)

So I’m challenging myself to drink a gallon of water every day for a month and ill post the results august 26. Let’s get to DRINKING! Thank you for reading today.

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