Saturday, June 28, 2014

5 Steps to Happiness

What is one thing that everyone wants out of life? If you take all the vain stuff and unnecessary emotions, all anybody wants is happiness. What technically is happiness or to be happy? Dictionary.Com defines it as being delighted, pleased, or glad over a particular thing or characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment or joy.

We all get in our ruts, have a bad day, feeling depressed, or as I like to call it in a transitioning phase. So I have scavenged the internet looking for 5 steps to happiness. There’s actually a plethora of websites that has steps, so I picked out the 5 that I would personally use and maybe one day I’ll post more.

  1. 1.      Give back                                                                                                                                                                            Helping someone in need or knowing that you made a difference (short or long term) in someone’s life is one of the most fulfilling emotions one can receive. Knowing that you gave someone the only meal that they will have today, you clothed a family that doesn't have clothes to last a week, or you put a smile on a child that has been battling cancer, should make anyone feel like a hero.

  1. 2.     Pamper Yourself

You are woman, hear you roar! Go out, get those toes done and tell them to take extra time massaging your foot. Get your nails, hair, eyebrows, makeup, everything that you get done (or afford) and if you have the money get massage or two. And if you don’t have the money, do your own toes, make you some face masks, and lounge in the tub. Just because you aren't feeling 100 percent doesn't mean you can’t look 100 percent. Some consider exercising as pampering themselves, if you are one of these people then work out until your body aches. If you’re looking in the mirror and saying ‘I could lose a few pounds’ or you don’t like your weight, then change it today. Start a workout regimen, eat healthier, but do it for self-gratification not others. God made you fearfully and wonderfully made, and that should spark some happiness back.

  1. 3.      Talk about it

Call up your girls, your boo thang, or a close family member and just vent, let it all out. Relationships and feeling loved by those that love you the most is vital to happiness. You get comfort, support, laughs, remembrance of who you are, encouragement, motivation, strength, love and so much more. Talking to someone when you’re most vulnerable strengthens the bond that you both have. says “people with strong and broad social relationships are happier, healthier, and live longer.”

  1. 4.      Accept and learn

I was always taught that there’s a lesson in everything. “Either it’s a lesson or blessin,” and in a way that’s true. There’s always a lesson to get out of a situation. For example I just got out of a 3 year relationship, so when it was over I had to take responsibility for what I did wrong and what I didn't like about myself and our relationship, then I learned what I could do better. So when the next guy comes around I’m not still dealing with the same things from the past relationship. Life is about progression. Love yourself. Accept yourself. Accept who you are now (flaws and all), and spend the rest of your life becoming the best version of you.

  1. 5.      Soul search/Find your purpose/Do what you love

In this transitioning time find things that make you happy, do the things that you've been wanting to do but maybe couldn't because you didn't have the time. Try to figure out what you want out of life and what's your purpose. Take this time to grow and learn more about yourself.

I think one thing that we all need to remember is that we’re not in this alone, we’re not the only one dealing with unhappiness, and we’re not the only person that has cried their self to sleep, been heart broken, or low on money. There’s a tomorrow and then a next day, and one day you’re going to wake up and it’s going to be over, you just have to get going. Every day is a miracle because every day you wake up and start your day. You never know what the next person is going through, the person standing behind you in the target line could be one bad thing away from killing themselves. A compliment or just a smile can go a long way in someone’s in life. You could be the change.

You are loved. You are wanted. You are breathtaking. You are a blessing. 

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