Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Collard Green Smoothie

Want to add a new green to your smoothie? Have you tried collard greens? Well you should, let me tell you why. Collard greens are great source of natural vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. According to incrediblesmoothies.com, 2 cups of greens or 2 leaves “Contain 26% of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin A (as beta-carotene), 34% RDA of vitamin C, and 350% RDA of vitamin K and 2.2 grams of protein. Collard leaves are also a great source of fiber with 2.9 grams, (or 12% of your recommended daily allowance) in just two cups.” I made my own collard green smoothie and it was bomb-a-licious, we’ll call it Berry Green Smoothie and it was very easy plus inexpensive to makeRemember to drink your water thirty minutes before the smoothie.

Good blender
 2 cup of Collard greens or 2 leaves
 1 Banana
2 cups of almond milk (can use water, coconut water, etc.)
4-6 ice cubes
 5 Strawberries
3 Raspberries
10 Blueberries

Put in your almond milk, add your ice cubes, greens, and then your fruit. (You can add the amount of fruit you want just make sure it balances your greens. You don’t want too many fruits but not enough greens.) And just blend. Make sure you blend enough so everything can get processed. The more you blend, the less you can taste the collards. (I blended mine for about 2-3 minutes)

The smoothie was actually delicious, I couldn't taste the collard greens at all, and it filled me up. The mix of berries and the banana covered the greens miraculously. Next time I think I’ll add some yogurt, chia seeds, and maybe pineapple.

Thanks for reading today. Sorry the background is weird, I don't know how to fix it. Remember it's a process. Thanks for coming on this journey. 

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