Friday, July 18, 2014

Green Smoothies

So I drink a green smoothie almost every morning, without it I don’t feel right and it  throws my whole day off. Therefore it is a staple in my new healthy lifestyle. If you have not tried a green smoothie, you have no idea what you are missing HUNTY (snaps finger). Not only are they delicious but it helps you to lose weight and boost your immune system. Just a few reasons you should try a green smoothie today:
  • Excellent source of nutrients
  • Great energy booster
  • Natural weight lost
  • Satisfy recommended vegetable & fruit servings
  • Inexpensive/ easy to make
  • And Delicious

At school we have a Jamba Juice that sells fruit smoothies and green smoothies but they use concentrated fruit juice, not the real fruits. And that goes for most smoothies places they are not 100 percent natural, you’re consuming more sugar than anything. With making your own green smoothie you control everything that goes inside, it’s less expensive to make than buying one every day, and you can put any fruit or veggie inside.

When you make your first smoothie, do look up a recipe, make sure they are easy, and simple. My first smoothie was so nasty because I was adding literally every veggie and fruit I could, DON’T DO THAT. Less is more. In every smoothie I make I use almond milk, a banana, spinach (you cannot taste the spinach), and berries. And then I just add other ingredients to the mix kale, kiwi, pineapple, mango, protein powder, ginger, lettuce, collard greens, celery etc.

Honestly I have been losing weight this summer (my face has been clearing up too) and I have my smoothies to thank for that. Green smoothies are amazing for overall health, once you try it, you’ll be hooked (trust me).

Thank you for reading today. 

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