Tuesday, July 29, 2014

DIY Halter shirt: T-shirt renovation

Hey Guys. So I was going through some old clothes and I found a few shirts that I don't need, instead of throwing them away I decided to do a t shirt renovation. Its really simple to make and doesn't require a lot of sewing. If you can do a stitch you can make this shirt. 

  • A fitted shirt 
  • Scissors 
  • Needle
  • Thread 
  • A clothespin
           We went from a pajama shirt to night out shirt             


  1. First cut off the sleeves of the shirt 

  2. Turn the shirt around and on the back cut a straight line from the arm pits of the shirt 

  3. Next fold the neck line 1 inch or 2 inches and pin it to make a pocket. Make sure you have enough room to slide something through the pocket
  4. Sew where the pins are, still leaving space to slide something through
  5. At the bottom of the shirt  cut of an inch and attach a clothes pin to the end 
  6. Feed the clothes pin and piece of shirt  through the pocket that you pinned and sewn                                                                      
  7. Pull at the edges of the shirt where you cut to make it curl               
  8. And BAM you got a new shirt 

You can wear this shirt to class, to lunch, on a date, or a night out. I paired this with a skirt but with some cut off denim shorts this would uber cute. To keep it casual add a cardigan or a kimono and some jeans and your ready to take on the world with your new DIY shirt. 

Thank you for reading today.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Green Smoothie Recipes

Berry-banana Smoothie
1 banana
5-10 Strawberries
3-6 Raspberries
10 Blue berries
1-2 cup of almond milk or water
1 cup of spinach
2 leaves of kale
4 ice cubes

Tropical Green smoothie
1 cup of pineapples
1 banana
2 cups of spinach
1 cup of coconut water
5-10 strawberries
1 mango

Peach smoothie
2 cups of spinach
2 cups of almond milk
1 cup of strawberries
2 cups of peach
1 cup of non-fat plain yogurt

These are just a few recipes, as I said in my last post the possibilities are endless. You can add anything to these smoothies like yogurt, chia seeds, protein powder, oatmeal, or any other fruits and vegetables. It’s your smoothie so put in your favorites. If you need more inspiration, ideas, or recipes on green smoothies: I go to Simplegreensmoothies.com.

Thank you for reading today 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Green Smoothies

So I drink a green smoothie almost every morning, without it I don’t feel right and it  throws my whole day off. Therefore it is a staple in my new healthy lifestyle. If you have not tried a green smoothie, you have no idea what you are missing HUNTY (snaps finger). Not only are they delicious but it helps you to lose weight and boost your immune system. Just a few reasons you should try a green smoothie today:
  • Excellent source of nutrients
  • Great energy booster
  • Natural weight lost
  • Satisfy recommended vegetable & fruit servings
  • Inexpensive/ easy to make
  • And Delicious

At school we have a Jamba Juice that sells fruit smoothies and green smoothies but they use concentrated fruit juice, not the real fruits. And that goes for most smoothies places they are not 100 percent natural, you’re consuming more sugar than anything. With making your own green smoothie you control everything that goes inside, it’s less expensive to make than buying one every day, and you can put any fruit or veggie inside.

When you make your first smoothie, do look up a recipe, make sure they are easy, and simple. My first smoothie was so nasty because I was adding literally every veggie and fruit I could, DON’T DO THAT. Less is more. In every smoothie I make I use almond milk, a banana, spinach (you cannot taste the spinach), and berries. And then I just add other ingredients to the mix kale, kiwi, pineapple, mango, protein powder, ginger, lettuce, collard greens, celery etc.

Honestly I have been losing weight this summer (my face has been clearing up too) and I have my smoothies to thank for that. Green smoothies are amazing for overall health, once you try it, you’ll be hooked (trust me).

Thank you for reading today. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Breaking up and Getting back together

Quite often I am torn on the question is it okay to break up and get back with your significant other? When you break up, one always thinks of it as final but maybe down the line, they want to get back together. But if it’s break up after break up, is that healthy for a relationship or even the person?

Now of course if a couple is breaking up every week, every other week, or every month then yeah it may be time to just let that go. But what if someone in the relationship just has a problem with communication? So every time they get into an argument, it’s down break up road, and then after a week they realize that it was dumb so they get back together? What if someone is scared to love or has commitment issues so they break up because they’re scared but get back together because they are made for each other, is that ok? Maybe they’re just young and dumb and that’s what young and dumb people do (right?).

If one sits and make a pro/con list of their relationship and has more pros than cons, why shouldn't they get back together. If they think its true love shouldn't that be enough? If they have more cons of their list, than breaking up is definitely the right decision. If there has been mental or physical abuse in the relationship and that’s why the person keeps making up to break up than that’s a different story (RUN and don’t look back). Taking a break from a relationship is actually helpful I feel. I know couples that have taken plenty of breaks during their relationship and their married now. Not saying that in their marriage they can take a break but at the end of the day marriage and dating/being in a relationship is two different things. So it obviously works for some couples. Just like arguing is healthy for a relationship, I feel breaking up is healthy too (if it happens). It makes them miss you, realize your value, and some people just need some ‘me’ time. If they don’t miss you then leave that alone, stay single.

I feel more than ever, we are embarrassed that we break up one day and get back together the next. We tell our friends and family me and boo thang broke up, that ‘it’s final, I wish him/her the best, nothing but happiness and love.’ Like always their response is “yall broke up again/yall getting back together again?!” But after both parties have evaluated what happened in the relationship, taken time for their selves (at least a month), and when they come in contact that spark ignites in our little heart. Then the dilemma becomes; you really want to get back together because it feels AMAZING being with that person (talking on the phone, etc.) but don’t want to feel like your week or look stupid to other people.

Honestly at the end of the day WHO GIVES A CRAP WHAT THEY THINK. It’s your relationship, your life, and you have to do what makes you happy because you never know when it is your last day. We are not here to impress our loved ones or make it seem like we are perfect, we all have problems, and we all our trying to work them out. Don’t judge me because me and my bae are not perfect, it’s life. Couples argue, some break up, and some get back together. If you’re one of those people, then own up to it, fix it (if it can be fixed), and live Blissfully.

So, if you and your significant other break up, it’s not the end of the world. Take your time and get yourself together. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed if you want to get back with your boo thang. I think it is healthy to have a break up once in a while, long as when you get back together the situation is fixed and it doesn't happen again. Like life, a relationship is about progression. If you have any second thoughts, still angry, just want to be together so you have someone to hold at night, or because you feel you won’t find someone else, stay single because God has someone perfect for you

Thank you for reading today

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hunger Epidemic

I think sometimes we forget that this is real, that its people around the world starving to death daily. It’s not just in Africa or Asia but this epidemic is worldwide. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that nearly 870 million people or one in eight, were undernourished from 2010-2012. 1.5 million children die from hunger every year while 7,615,360 is the total number of deaths form starvation. I aide everyone to do research on this cause and help any way that you can, you can be the difference

Thank you for reading today.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Red lipstick on dark skin: MAC Ruby Woo

I was very insecure about wearing any lipstick other than my Wet'n'Wild deep burgundy but with motivation, research, and a bunch of YouTube videos. I got the confidence to try it. Once I put it on, I felt like a classic beauty and didn't want to take it off the whole day. Anyway what I would say to anyone trying a new lipstick color, never be afraid to try any lipstick because with the right lip pencil it'll always look flawless no matter your skin tone. But the thing about Ruby Woo, is that she looks good on everyone. Here's some pictures of me. 

All I used was the M.A.C Chestnut lip pencil and M.A.C Retro Matte Ruby Woo in this look (remember to BLEND). I think my dress compliments the overall style I was going for, I found this gem at a church sale. I adore the pearls on the neckline, the pop of skin it shows, and the length (it comes to my ankles). I was channeling Audrey Hepburn a bit. 

Haha. Thanks for reading today. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Collard Green Smoothie

Want to add a new green to your smoothie? Have you tried collard greens? Well you should, let me tell you why. Collard greens are great source of natural vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. According to incrediblesmoothies.com, 2 cups of greens or 2 leaves “Contain 26% of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin A (as beta-carotene), 34% RDA of vitamin C, and 350% RDA of vitamin K and 2.2 grams of protein. Collard leaves are also a great source of fiber with 2.9 grams, (or 12% of your recommended daily allowance) in just two cups.” I made my own collard green smoothie and it was bomb-a-licious, we’ll call it Berry Green Smoothie and it was very easy plus inexpensive to makeRemember to drink your water thirty minutes before the smoothie.

Good blender
 2 cup of Collard greens or 2 leaves
 1 Banana
2 cups of almond milk (can use water, coconut water, etc.)
4-6 ice cubes
 5 Strawberries
3 Raspberries
10 Blueberries

Put in your almond milk, add your ice cubes, greens, and then your fruit. (You can add the amount of fruit you want just make sure it balances your greens. You don’t want too many fruits but not enough greens.) And just blend. Make sure you blend enough so everything can get processed. The more you blend, the less you can taste the collards. (I blended mine for about 2-3 minutes)

The smoothie was actually delicious, I couldn't taste the collard greens at all, and it filled me up. The mix of berries and the banana covered the greens miraculously. Next time I think I’ll add some yogurt, chia seeds, and maybe pineapple.

Thanks for reading today. Sorry the background is weird, I don't know how to fix it. Remember it's a process. Thanks for coming on this journey.